Yusi Chen


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I’m currently a Swartz postdoctoral fellow for computational neuroscience in University of Washington, mentored by Dr. Eric Shea-Brown and Dr. Adrienne Fairhall. Previously, I got my PhD from University of California, San Diego under the supervision of Dr.Terrence Sejnowski at Salk. My research focuses on revealing latent varibles via network learning theories and Bayesian inference methods. I mainly work with foraging tasks ranging from random walks to social collaborative foraging.

Besides lab research, I’m broadly interested in AI algorithms, theories and puzzles. During the years, I accumulated pages of research notes (wave dynamics, causality estimation, ICA algorithms) and side projects (Object recognition, SLAM, puzzle sovling!) and equivalently two M.S. degrees!

I’m posting them here so that they don’t have to go through the painful and lengthy review process to qualify as publications. If anyone is interested in these material, feel free to drop me an email (cyusi@uw.edu).



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